Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Instead of stressing about updating everyone on our lives here I'm just going to go with the flow and write about what I'm feeling right now!  It is a fantastically beautiful day here in upstate NY.  I can hear our neighbor mowing his lawn, the floor heater is running and my hot chocolate full of marshmallows is keeping me warm with the SUN shining through the window.  We are having an abnormally mild fall!  Not only are the trees not bare but it is 55 today!  We have had some cold days so far don't get me wrong but today it is absolutely GORGEOUS outside.  So nice T.J. opted out of HUNTING deer to attempt grouse hunting with Jade.  If you are wondering what a ruffed grouse is it is below... our cat brought one to us a couple weeks ago to our dismay.  T.J. has NEVER seen one of these suckers in the woods because they are "stealthy" we like to say, and yet our CAT brings one home... priceless.  I posted a video on FB of this because T.J. was so proud of Ace. 

T.J. and I both can't believe it is already November... SO MUCH has gone on the last couple of months and we finally feel like we are just now getting into the groove of things after his summer away.  I'll blog about those events later... hopefully! ;)  T.J.'s mom and papa are coming up in THREE DAYS and we are so excited!  T.J.'s papa, Huston taught T.J. anything and everything about hunting and the outdoor life.  T.J. is VERY excited to take his papa out to hunt in NY!  It's all this boy talks about!  Debbie and I will have fun around town and relaxing together.  I'm crossing my fingers we can make a trip to NYC and show Huston Times Square... we will see!

This weekend has been great.  We went and saw Courageous Friday night... if you have not heard of it please click here to watch the trailer!  This movie was phenomenal.. even though I cried through most of it!  Probably one of the best movies we've seen before.  Yesterday was a fun day... we finally we able to find a great ring to replace the one I lost about a year and a half ago.  I opted for the same ring and I can't wait to get it back.  Thank goodness for insurance!!

I'm off to go spend some of my awesome Maurice gift cards :) I hope everyone is having a beautiful, happy Sunday!  Love you all!

I'll leave you with a picture of T.J. and Troop taking an afternoon nap... :)


1 comment:

  1. Yay for finding a new ring! I'm glad to hear y'all are having a nice fall. Miss you!
