Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kendi's Day

I wanted to post some of the pictures I took during Kendi’s wedding. Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures of the Reception or where the ceremony took place, b/c it was GORGEOUS!!!I am so happy that I know have a BEST FRIEND that is married like me! I can’t wait to share all of our funny stories together and relate to each other through marriage.

Marriage is the best gift! Don’t get me wrong, it can be hard at times- you have A LOT more responsibilities then you did when you were dating, however what is better then coming home to your one and only every day?! :) God really blessed me with T.J. and I don’t know what I’d do w/o him!Back to Kendi’s wedding!

I’ve never been treated so amazing as a bridesmaid! We didn’t have to pay for A THING! They really took care of us and it was AN HONOR to be up on stage by Kendi when she was getting married. I also realized I am A LOT more emotional now that I’m married?! I started crying like 3 or 4 times throughout the ceremony. :) Kendi looked absolutely gorgeous! I’m not sure if you can tell but her dress was actually a “blush pink”! One of a kind!

I couldn't help but start thinking about my wedding and looking back at some pictures :) I loved my wedding day! I also added some pictures of us girls at Kendi's showers as well!I can’t wait to be there with my other friends when they marry the one God has for them!!!


  1. KEEEEEEEEELLY!!!!!!!!!! i love you! im so excited to be married with you!!! thank you for saying all those sweet things :)
