Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Not Me! Monday

I wasn't running out the door to my new job when I spotted Ace patiently waiting to be pet by the door... I didn't put all my things down to pet him and coo at him for a couple minutes before leaving. I then couldn't have noticed that I split chocolate creamer on my cream sweater after putting Ace down.. I DEFINITELY did not SMELL the brown spot to make sure it was my creamer to then realize Ace had accidentally "dripped" poop down me while I was holding him. :) I didn't have to run around trying to find a WHOLE different outfit.. and the poop definitely didn't leak through to my skin. Ew. Sick.

I didn't wake up the other morning to realize I was sleeping on the bare mattress... this COULDN'T be because my husbands rips all the blankets off me to cocoon himself in them every night now could it? Come on T.J. taking the mattress sheet too is just low! :)

My car DIDN'T decide to just stop working... it wouldn't be sitting at my work right now for 5 days straight...

On that note my laptop couldn't have decided a better time to not turn on! :) Yay! That means no more skyping! (Sarcastic of course!)

Oh and I definitely have been shaving my legs every day when I take a shower! There is no way that I haven't shaved my legs in over 2 weeks to hear my husband say, "Won't you just shave them for me?" :) hehehehe okay okay, I will!

I didn't leave my lunch with my husband so we could eat lunch together to have him text me 20 minutes after I dropped him off at school telling me he had lab and I was on my own... so when I got my lunch somewhere else and grabbed a yogurt, apple and a cheese stick I DEFINITELY didn't forget to grab a spoon too.. and no... I DIDN'T "drink" my yogurt. And NO I didn't have to lean my car seat back all the way to "drink" a non-drinkable yogurt ;)

Most importantly my husband DID NOOOOT wake me up 15 minutes before church on Easter morning thinking this was enough time for me to shower and get "Easter ready"- also he wasn't showered and fully dressed himself... really?!

How is your Monday? :)


  1. Oh Kelly, you seriously crack me up!
    I love your stories! :)

  2. Hi Kelly!! It's Sharon Boswell! I saw your blog site on something of Sarah Stiltner's, and wondered if it was you... I am SO happy to get to see a some pictures of you and TJ, and to read a few of your recent posts. I love the way you write, and am so glad to see how happy you are! I can't believe you're living in NY! Titus and I are living in Tel Aviv these days (I know - what the..?), and we're loving it too! I can totally relate to the irritation of Skype not working, and missing friends and family. Greet your hubby for us, and hang in there! Much grace to you both! Feel free to check out my blog too if you'd like (it's not a cute as yours!)

    Love you little sis!

