Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Our dinner

So my good friend Suzy inspired me- make a 2 week meal plan, grocery shop for it all at once and TA-DA! No annoying little grocery shopping trips that someone go from a $5 milk stop to a $45 grocery stop.

SOOOO I did it :) Um it wasn't fun spending almost $200 at the grocery store at one time but hey we will only need to make "quick trips" for milk, bread & eggs and in this house that is at LEAST once a week if not more b/c I am married to someone named T.J. Ross that eats about 1/2 a dozen eggs, 1/2 a loaf of bread, and drinks 1/2 a carton of milk in less then 2 days!

We are really buying almost ALL fruit, veggies & diary organic now. We really feel so much better about this and truly FEEL better doing it. It's disgusting how many chemicals are in/on your non-organic veggies. I think it's funny how my organic bell pepper is not very pretty, lumpy, etc. and the non-organic is 2 times bigger, brighter and so "perfect" looking- oh it's so deceiving!!! BTW not to go on a tangent or anything :) but bell peppers is one of the top 5 veggies that you DEFINITELY want to buy organic (as in bananas that really don't matter as much...)

SOOOO the point of this blog is to show you the wonderful ORGANIC meal I made tonight. Even the pasta was 100% whole wheat organic :) Now don't worry I didn't take this picture- I took it off the Pioneer Woman website but mine was almost identical!

Don't be intimidated... if I can make it.. you can too! There was a lot of cutting but really you don't have to do any "cooking" and so it wasn't bad at all. This recipe also makes SOOO MUCH so we will definitely have leftovers for days.

Please make it :) you will not be disappointed- afterall its the Pioneer Women's FAAVVVORITE SALLLAD EVVVVER! Oh and for the men out there- T.J. LOVED it! :)



  1. Yummm...I think I am going to have to try this!

  2. I do this too! Every two weeks it stinks spending the big bucks at the store but it is so nice knowing you have everything. I keep the options posted on the fridge and Corby picks what he wants for dinner! The recipe you posted looks great too!
