Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh coffee...

Who would've ever thought? Who would've imagine that one day Kelly Ross would be a coffee lover?! NOT ME!

It scares me how much I love coffee... I think I went a little crazy at first. Once I discovered I liked it (VERY doctored up!) I drank it every morning AND before I went to bed?! It was like a dessert to me.. I know, weird.

Oh and don't worry mom... I have caught myself "sipping" my coffee like you do!!!!! "sip sip sip sip sip.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" AH!!!!!!!! LOL, this only really scares me b/c I would get onto my mom about it ALL THE TIME when I was little and now I'm doing it! :) Oh well!!

I've realized that when I drink coffee I DON'T want to chew gum after or brush my teeth (and yes folks I brush my teeth BEFORE my cup of joe in the morning), I actually LIKE having the taste of coffee in my mouth afterwards... I apologize for all of the people that have to deal with me in the morning!

I also realized I'm probably going to have to start using Crest white strips soon... I mean I literally SWISH the coffee around my mouth each sip and it COATS my teeth... EEECK! This can't be right!

Anyways I just wanted to share my new enjoyment in life with everyone :) I hope you enjoy your coffee a little bit more next time! And don't worry it's actually GOOD for you to have a cup a day! 1 cup people... not 10. (T.J.!) Just try not to SPILL it down your shirt on the way to work (like I did) or then the next day accidentally pour it inside of your shirt on the way to work (don't ask me how that happened b/c I'm still not quite sure...)

I'm still in the search for the perfect travel coffee mug though... I don't like the metal ones b/c I feel like I can actually "taste" the metal :( ew.


  1. I think it's a part of growing up Kelly and just loving Coffee! I go through stages where I want to drink it all the time and then I don't want it much at all! I love my plastic Starbucks travel cup. It's actually one that Kyle bought me in Korea but it's perfect!

  2. My hubby is obsessed with coffee as well. When he lived in China I told him I would buy the $950 espresso machine he wanted if he came home before July 4th. He came home July 3rd. He is a bit of a coffee snob. Ha.
