Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

100 things you don't need to know about me :)

I thought it would be interesting to think of just a bunch of random stuff about me and my life and share it with you. :)

1. We have 4 pets (Jade, Troop, Ace & Boy)- with only being married a year and a half this seems like it could turn into a problem if we keep it up.

2. I use an electric blanket every night.

3. I go to sleep with warm pants and socks on and after about 20 minutes take them off- this annoys T.J. and I always find a nice collection of dirty socks under the bed every week or so. :)

4. I like to hunt but can't STAND to see a dead mouse, or a goldfish especially. I might go into hysterics.

5. I might just be a cat lady...I talk to my cats like they understand everything I'm saying. Don't worry T.J. loves them too.

6. I always am scared something is going to happen to T.J. (bad) and I hate it.

7. Instead of my husband shoveling a path in the snow for my car to get out of every day he shovels the WHOLE driveway (which can fit about 5-6 cars). He also shovels the front porch and steps that is rarely used... and get this, he ALSO plows a path to the door of the apartment below our house THAT NO ONE LIVES IN! He knows there is NO POINT but he just CAN'T not do it! Silly T.J.!

8. T.J. and I both like to let the dogs sleep with us sometimes :) we just feel like they couldn't be happier when we let them! (I only do it when I wash the sheets the next day!)

9. I religiously wash my sheets- there isn't a better feeling then fresh clean sheets! Especially when they're warm :) (Thank you Debbie for that electric blanket!)

10. I HAVE to have a spotless kitchen before I go to bed. No dirty dishes. The living room definitely has to be picked up too. Sorry!

11. I read almost every night in bed with a book light, it puts me to sleep and its fun!

12. My favorite part of the day is when T.J. comes home.

13. I have the best family. Immediate and extended. Couldn't thank the Lord enough.

14. I LIVE IN NEW YORK?!!?!? Who would've thought!?!?!?!

15. If someone has a hair tie on their wrist and its too tight- I want to take it off and rub out that little indent it put there, I feel like its just so bad for your skin :( (I've done this with Carlie many times!)

16. I have an obsessive need to be "up to date" with facebook.

17. I have A LOT of friends, I wish I could be REALLY CLOSE with all of them but I don't think that is possible.

18. Although I'm SO EXCITED to have kids and start a family we aren't planning on doing for another 3 1/2 years! (at least- and of course God willing!)

19. I'm secretly pretty competitive, okay maybe its not much of a secret! :)

20. I'm still trying to find out "what I want to do in life"

21. Couldn't be a prouder wife- my man is the hardest and most dedicated guy EVER.

22. The older I get the more things I realize I do like my mom (not a bad thing)

23. Our water at this house smells like rotten eggs b/c it has sulfur in it, which is really nice when you take showers.

24. I'm not going to lie that sometimes I like going to bed after T.J. is asleep b/c then he doesn't care that I cuddle with him and I get to spread across the whole bed! :)

25. My husband is a massive blanket hogger (when he wakes up in the morning and I'm curled up in a freezing fetal position he covers me back up).

26. I'm a bed hogger.

27. I am mad at myself for missing out on broccoli and Chinese food my whole younger life (for some reason I thought I didn't like it!?)

28. I DESPISE.. and hate corn. Don't think you can sneak in a few kernels in that soup or casserole... I will see it, and carefully dip out my bites to avoid a kernel of that horrible stuff.

29. I really like Lady Gagas music.. :)

30. I am a BOOK WORM. Love Francine Rivers. Like I said, I read every night.

31. I want to dye my hair chocolate brown but I'm afraid T.J. won't like it.

32. I love the "3 in 1 laundry detergent" from Purex! What an amazing invention. This keeps me from filling up the detergent to the "Max fill" line even though I have 4 articles of clothing in the washer- I just can't NOT fill the lid to the top- I don't believe that it's that concentrated!

33. I'm desperately missing my pedicure dates with my gfs back home. 2 words: dry feet.

34. I really enjoy paying bills. Not the giving away money part- just the writing checks, putting a stamp on the envelope and mailing it.

35. I might watch too much T.V.- but considering I live in NY I think this is okay. I might cry on The Biggest Loser and American Idol- but that's normal, right?

36. I like that people know we're not from NY when they meet us.

37. My belly button is pierced- that is weird to me. Why is it still there? Oh well.

38. I have a shoe fetish... normally wouldn't be a problem but it is b/c I usually just switch off from 2 pairs of shoes- why do I need another 50 pairs? No... seriously.

39. I cook for another family throughout the week.

40. I might have the weirdest dreams, this week consisted of me being in a school shooting, another girl hitting on T.J. and T.J. ENCOURAGED IT (yes I woke up and was mad still) & some other crazy thing I can't remember at the moment)

41. I kind of want to be Taylor Swift's BFF ;)

42. I can't wait until I see T.J. hold our little baby :) (again.. in YEARS to come)

43. Unfortunately "Farmville" on facebook got me- hook, line, and sinker- I PROMISE I will delete this app sometime this month... how embarrassing! WHO plays on a VIRTUAL farm!?

44. If you post an album on facebook I might just comment on every single picture- but you will love it and that means you are my very dear friend! :)

45. I MIGHT'VE registered for a Twitter account JUST so I can see what Taylor Swift and some other special people are doing... WHOOOPS! It's okay I found out Julia did it too! :)

46. I love to be really immature and silly with my girlfriends.

47. I have started craving "hot drinks" which might lead to coffee- IF there is some special creamer and is all doctored up! Man, I'm not sure if I should even start on that path! I don't want to be the person that HAS to have coffee before they can "function".

48. Why can't we ever wear our wedding dress again? :(

49. Great idea- girls lets have a slumber party and we ALL wear our wedding dresses!!! :) No seriously....

50. I HATE public speaking. I had too many bad experiences. At church the other day the associate pastor asked me to read a verse during the service- I laughed and said I'm sorry that just makes me too nervous! So T.J. did it :) I would LOVE to get "over" this but I just don't know if that's going to happen!

51. I'm SO INCREDIBLY happy that Alabama won the national championship this year- my papa has been WAAAAAAAITING for this! :) He was the sweet grandpa in his bama hat and jacket cheering them on the past couple decades (on his couch)! :)

52. This is my favorite number! Or 13.. I like that number too.

53. I can make a mean dish of orange chicken!

54. I wish I had an accent- like a Puerto Rican accent or something- the women I nanny for is from Puerto Rico so I just like to imitate her to T.J. and pretend.

55. I usually wait between 10-12 week to get my hair done again... crazy I know!

56. I love all types of music, country, pop, blues, classical, soundtracks, hip hop, christian- almost all genres.

57. I really wish I was more athletic. I will try just about anything I'm just not very GOOD at it... I'm hoping one day I will realize I am really great at something. :)

58. When I told my mom I didn't have any special talents she said "but you have sooo many friends Kelly" :) she is so sweet.

59. I love love and am so genuinely happy for people when they find it.

60. I can't stand for hair to be in my hairbrush- I take it all out almost every time I brush my hair.

61. I NEVER used qtips until I got married- now I HAVE to use them or I feel like I am walking around with soggy ears. Ew.

62. I want an iphone but if I had one I'd be on it ALL THE TIME playing words with friends (kellyross13 is my username!) :)

63. I put hand sanitizer all over my blackberry regularly. My keys too sometimes.

64. If you are turning the volume up or down on the T.V. you have to keep it at intervals of 5. I WILL NOT stop the volume at "63" or "59" or something like that- it has to be "60" or "55", you get the point. It's okay, thankfully T.J. feels the same way.

65. I DO NOT GET how people can have trash all lined up on their dashboard and throughout their car. This SICKENS me, sorry I'm not trying to be rude but HOW can you keep fast food trash in there for that long!?!?!?

66. Oh how I love Christmas music. Sometimes if I'm in a sad mood I'll just listen to it and it will make me feel better.

67. Oh how I love vampire books. Who would've ever thought I'd like "sci-fi" but I do- its such a fun escape from this normal world! And YES I have said before in another life I would like to be a vampire :), T.J. choose a werewolf so I guess we'd be archenemies.

68. My husband would go to bed at 8pm every night if he could.

69. I've never had any other car besides the one I have now (my explorer), I credit this to my papa blessing it.

70. T.J.'s now on his 5th car and 2 of them have been totaled by other people! :) (Andy and myself!) Sorry T.J.! But you know you're glad b/c now you get an awesome new trucky!

71. I like to call T.J.- teej, teejy, teejy weejy, teeeeeeeeeejaaaaaaaaaaaaaay or any other "pet names", T.J. just calls me kelly- how boring! :) and yes I just said "teejy weejy" :) haha

72. I hope one day when T.J. and I have a lot of land that I can take in lots of pets and adopt them out to people. I will be writing bios on them like "Hi my name is Sally! I love to swim and bark at the birds, please come adopt me b/c I want a loving home"- I think I would be good at this. :)

73. I really wish I was more creative.

74. I have to curl my eyelashes every day. I was not blessed with gorgeous eyelashes like my husband.

75. I cry when I get pulled over...hard.

76. I'm now scared to sled after getting a bruise the size of a football last time I crashed.

77. I was ALLLLLLWAYS a "mustard girl" I'm realizing that I DO LIKE mayo on my sandwiches now! (NOT on a burger though) :)

78. I miss the days driving with Carlie when we were 15 and didn't have licenses :) hehehe

79. I can't believe I used to think I wanted to be a cop- WHO AM I KIDDING? Dark alleys, bad guys, guns? That's funny.

80. I wish I could get a massage weekly. Who doesn't though.

81. I've NEVER had a facial- always wanted one!

82. The first night of our honeymoon in Mexico I accidentally SLAMMED my head on the edge of a marble slab. It was bleeding and I got a huge goose egg. That's embarrassing.

83. I think I'm wearing Andy's socks right now... sorry Andy I think you left them here :)

84. I would be fine if the only place I could shop the rest of my life was Target.

85. I notice people's teeth and hands/feet when I meet them. Not sure why. I think its about hygiene- please take care of yourself!

86. God giveth, and God taketh away. I have learned to trust Him in all aspects of my life- or at least I to try remind myself to do this!

87. I miss my dad ALL THE TIME. It doesn't really ever get that much easier- every step in life I wish he was here. On to number 88 before I start crying!

88. I am so thankful for James :) God is so good.

89. Did I mention my mom is my hero?

90. I love space heaters. I hate being cold. That's not good considering I live in the coldest place EVER right now. Thank goodness for down jackets and warm Uggs! And plenty of scarves! Oh and long underwear too!

91. Sometimes I have cravings for things SO BAD I think I'm going to panic if I don't get it. I used to do this growing up with Gatorade.. now I do it with orange juice.

92. I've ran a 1/2 marathon- something I NEVER thought I could do. I WILL ONEEEE DAAAY run a full marathon.

93. Jennifer Aniston is my favorite actress- she is GORGEOUS. I don't have a favorite actor.

94. I can't just sweep, if I sweep I also swiffer and then use my wet jet. Talk about a process.

95. I used to tell Julia I was a genie, and she believed me :) HAHA.

96. I usually DON'T like watching a movie more then once- I have to REAAAAAAAAAAALLY like it to be okay with watching it more than once.

97. I miss writing "Kelly Brown" sometimes- as much as I love Kelly Ross.

98. Can Wheel of Fortune PLEAAAAAAAAAAAASE let me be on their show? I need to win some trips!

99. What I would do to go back and spend another night in the SNU townhouse with Kendi when we were roomies- watching WOF every night, procrastinating on HW, making videos, and sleeping through our classes! :)

100. I had the perfect proposal. Surprised and everything.

Think thats enough? :) I'll leave it at that.


  1. Can I please tell you that I want to cry right now because I mis syou so bad! You are the sweetest most interesting amazing person I know! I love you so much! Ps...I agree on the wedding dress party! HOW FUN WOULD THAT BE!!!!

  2. Kelly-I just loved reading these!!!! You are such a sweet, funny lady! I love you girl!!

  3. Kelly these were all GREAT! You had me cracking up on some of them....we have quite a few things in common! I still don't know what I REALLY want to do in life as well and I am always worried about losing Jarrett,(I think it must have to do with losing a loved one like we both have.) Oh how I wish we could of been able to continue our friendship after we both left CCS. You have such a sweet spirit!
    This is Jessica Bates if you haven't figured it out by now;)

  4. Thanks guys! :) TAM I MISS YOU TOO! Jessica you are so right- I think when you loose someone so close to you it then becomes your biggest fear!! We just need to trust the Lord in this!

  5. i still need to try out francine rivers
    i miss my dad too
    i can't find you on twitter.

  6. Thanks for revealing my twitter secret! :) haha! And i did believe you were a jenie! I can still remember you saying "Now, i can really grant you 3 wishes Julia." And of course i believed you! I think i officially stopped believing all your stories when you told me that you knew Mary-Kate Olsen and she was your best friend. Haha!

