Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wreck #2 down!

Well if my car trouble wasn't enough I had to go and wreck T.J.'s truck a couple days later! I won't bore you with the details b/c most of our family and friends know now b/c of facebook but basically I was going too fast on a curve (I didn't THINK I was going to fast- who knew SLUSH was so slippery?! Not me!) Well I ended up spinning T.J.'s truck into oncoming traffice (THANK YOU LORD NO ONE WAS THERE) and ended up slamming into some trees in a ditch... NOT FUN. Suprisingly I was prrrretty calm (besides the bawling phone call to T.J. which I DID make sure to say "I'm okay" first even though he couldn't understand it!) That is one thing my mom taught me, always let the person know you're okay FIRST THING before you start blubbering and not making any sense! :) We are almost positive his truck is totaled but we won't be for sure until the adjuster calls us on Monday. I really am just praising the Lord I am okay b/c it was definitely one of the scariest moments in my life- I literally just closed my eyes (once I knew there was no fixing going off the road) and prayed! I was picturing myself in an ambulance and seriously injured at the hospital! Thank you Lord for keeping me safe! I was sore the next 2 days but I'm pretty much back to normal now!

The truck...

Sorry T.J.! :( In all honestly though we are kind of hoping it IS totaled- we loved the Ranger but it could only seat 2 people and this has started to become a problem for us. PLUS not that we are planning on having kids anytime soon but we WON'T be able to use this car at all when we have a little one with us! (That's weird even saying!)

SO- we have had a PRETTY stressful week to say the least. T.J. started back up with school and he has only a million things going on and I'm TRYING to start back up with babysitting but with the roads being so bad I can't do that every day. The day I got in the wreck I was actually going to nanny.

Yay for the weekend! T.J. is out duck hunting right now (last weekend of the season) and I think he limited out.

ALSO :) Tomorrow morning T.J. and I are assigned to watch the "Tiny Tot" room at church. Can I just laugh right now? Don't get me wrong- we'll do FINE! But I am already laughing thinking about T.J. consoling babies and so on! :) Hehehe, I'm sure I'll have a great blog about it!


  1. I am just happy that you are okay! What kind of car will you get if it is totaled?

  2. T.J. is hoping to get a 4x4 supercrew truck!! :) he is so excited now!
