Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Good ole Ace

Just a little video of Ace and Troop playing. I love that Ace plays with the dogs like he is one of them.

About to go watch the CMAs!

Starting to feel a LITTLE sick, so trying to get lots of rest and take my airborne! 2 weeks from today the Ross' will be here so I want to be in tip top shape! ;)

This weekend T.J. is going to take a little break from hunting so we can have some quality husband and wife time! I'm really excited about that. It is starting to get really cold up here (26 tonight) so we need to use as much time as we can outside until it just gets too cold.

Today we went to the dogpark with a friend and it was really fun to see the dogs all playing together :)

I will blog later about the amazing womens retreat this past weekend!

love to you all!


  1. Bahahahahahahahha! I love your animals! Ace makes me want a cat...and I don't even like cats!

  2. I can't believe they play together so well..

  3. Kelly watch at one minute fourteen seconds and you'll see ace do his front flip ninja trick that I've been telling you about

