Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A mysterious weekend ahead

This picture is a couple nights before we left for NY! :( I want my tan back.... and hair that is highlighted....

Hi :)

I shouldn't be blogging right now. I should be packing for my weekend away! I can hear my sweet husband sweeping the garage and cleaning MY car- he INSISTS he does it, not me- what a gentleman!! :) I can't complain! He is THE best.

This weekend is the women's retreat our church is having in Montrose, PA. So yesterday I would've told you I don't know ANYONE that is going and that I am a little nervous! So T.J. and I met this SWEET couple, Micah and Heidi- Micah is at Cornell with T.J. and they both attend Bethel Grove with us. They invited us over for dinner and we had a great time. They have a 6 week old boy and a 3 year old girl (who is ADORABLE, a carrot top!) ANYWAYS! So I get an email with a list of people that will be riding with me down to the retreat. Heidi is in my car with her little boy! :) I was SO EXCITED. I emailed her immediately to tell her God heard my prayer! She emailed me back and said she was thinking the same thing, "Why am I going? I don't know anyone!" We both signed up super late and just never thought to ask each other about it. God is so great :) He is always looking out for us!

I'm really excited about this weekend. Of course I'll miss T.J. and the pets :) but I think this is such a great time to just spend 2 solid days with no distractions from the Lord- not to mention meeting some great women! If you would like to pray for me that'd be great! :) AND that T.J. will be okay by himself! ;) I'm guessing he'll be doing a lot of hunting!!!

T.J. and I are trying to stay healthy and not sick! It seems EVERYONE is getting sick!!! We bought some airborne tonight and are going to start taking that. Remember to wash your hands a lot and gargle with warm salt water! :) and drinks lots of water!!! (just call me Mary Ann) ;) I've learned over time that you really DO start morphing into your mom over time!!! WHICH I LOVE ;)

Eck! I can hear T.J. coming back upstairs! I don't want him to catch me blogging! ;) I better go. I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Have fun, Kelly!!! I will be praying for your safety and that the weekend is AWESOME!! :)
