Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Samaritans Purse

I will be upfront- this is a blog asking for your help and prayers! In church we were shown a program called "Samaritans Purse" Please read about it HERE- really, go look, please. :) Read what they are about and the "shoebox program"

What am I wanting to do you ask? I am wanting to make as many shoebox donations as possible. In each shoebox would be things from shoes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, toys, books- anything you thing a child needs or wants. With each shoe box you contribute $7 that will help the shoebox get to the child you are helping. You can also put a picture of YOUR family with your address as a lot of the children want to write thank you notes and have penpals.

We heard a lady speak about how these shoeboxes changed her whole life. This is a Christian organization and when the children ask where they came from they are told who Jesus is and many of the kids are saved. The lady we heard from was going to school and she DID NOT want to go- it was cold and the only shoes she had were these old old sneakers that were completely ripped open and her dad tried to shut them up with wire but all the cold air was still getting through. When she came to school someone handed her a shoebox... what was in there? A BRAND NEW pair of sneakers- she then learned about Jesus- was SAVED and now works for the company.

Would you like to help out? If so- send a shoebox!!! Don't want to make a shoebox? Don't have the time? Make a donation- don't want to make a donation? Send me a check and I WILL MAKE A SHOEBOX FOR YOU :)

It's so amazing to know we can truly change someones life- and not even know it. Praise the Lord for these opportunities.

Thanks guys!


  1. How long do we have to get you the money /shoe box? And another question where will these boxes be going?

  2. Hi anoymous ;) I'm trying to get some boxes together by Nov 15th- also you can track "your box" on the internet to find out where specifically it's going!: ) if you want me to I'd love to put a box together for you!
