Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not me Monday

It's not me that is posting a "Not me Monday" blog on Tuesday, I'm smarter than that! :)

It wasn't me that woke up to a nice little tickle on my neck/face to find out it was my CAT licking me to death. No way- that is so gross. I didn't throw him off me MULTIPLE times.

My landlord DEFINITELY didn't tell me not to use my dishwasher FOR TWO WEEKS b/c it was leaking downstairs...... my landlord ALSO did not procrastinate to get a guy out to fix it. The guy that came to fix it definitely didn't say the dishwasher was fine... really!??!?! I wasn't upset at all! Who doesn't love to wash dishes by hand for two weeks?!

Well I definitely wasn't in the worse situation with a diaper this week! I definitely DID NOOOOOOOT have to physically with my FINGERS pick up a piece of you know what... NO WAY- I'd NEVER do that. (DON'T WORRY it was really small and I had a 10 minute hand scrub after this...) I'm not gagging still thinking about it!!!

That's it! :)


  1. Kelly, it is WEDNESDAY! not even Tuesday!! LOL, unless you wrote this last night and posted it today. haha. Anyway, welcome to my world (diaper story). I pick up you-know-what all of the time esp when its like rabbit pellets because it seriously like FLINGS out of the diaper. That smell on your hands is the absolute worst and hardest to get out too! Yucky! Hope you are having a great week and enjoying wearing your warm clothes!

  2. LOL I DID write it on Tuesday- I promise! :) Maybe it just posted later for some reason!
