Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lazy Sundays

Who doesn't love Sunday? Even with going to church you get to sleep a little later then usual, then you get to worship our AMAZING GOD, then yummy lunch with just a relaxing afternoon!!! (usually) T.J. is asleep on the couch as I type. Don't worry I have nothing important to blog about but after reading my friend Sara's blog I got the urge.

3 official days until the in-laws are here- WHOOOPEEEE. Let me just tell you THAT I LOVE MY IN-LAWS. I feel so blessed. I know there's always the "mother-in-law" stereotype but let me just tell you the Lord couldn't have blessed me with a better 2nd family. My in-laws make me a better person!! Thank you Lord! :) T.J. and I are SO EXCITED about them coming. It's supposed to be really cold and rainy but I know we'll make the best of it! We will be crammed in my 4 passenger car but that's okay! :)

OH! I almost forgot! T.J. got a buck yesterday! He was a little nervous he wasn't going to get any meat this year but he got one! :) He's already processed some of it and we had yummy fried venison the day he got the buck. It's a nice 6 point. (See picture below) Now our freezer will be filled with venison and that makes us very happy! I'm attaching another picture of T.J. and his friend Brian when they went duck hunting. Unfortunately I DON'T like duck meat! Oh well- T.J. can eat it by himself.

Alright well I need to start on dinner- I read this blog and the beef enchiladas look DELISH so I'm going to try this tonight.

Here is a sweet picture of Mackenzie (the girl I watch) and our kitty Ace, she LOVES our cat :)