Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hurricane Simulator

T.J. and I went and saw Eclipse today (also known as the third Twlight movie) :) Yes this was the 2nd time I saw it within a week and it was SO GOOD, T.J. loved it! However... after the movie T.J. saw what looks like a large vending machine that you can open up... the idea is that you pay $2 close the "door" and "feel" what it's like to be in a hurricane- the wind gets up to 80mph. T.J. wanted me to do this SO BAD, I refused... of course when I told HIIIIM to do it he didn't want to- he just wanted to watch MEEEE be in it so he could laugh :) So I decided "why not?!" Yes it was uncomfortable.. yes people stopped and stared at me while I just stood there for a minute :) Yes T.J. laughed hysterically the whole time.. and YES my clothes and hair were flying everywhere... that's all. Now I just have tangles in my hair that won't come out.


  1. HAHAHA!! Love this!! I did something similar in Florida! :)

  2. lol!!! i love it. you're such a great sport!
