Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Lifestyle Change"

Well as a lot of you know T.J. and I have decided to have a little "lifestyle change" this year in regards to our health! We are trying to make healthier choices in the food we eat and cut some out completely. We all know T.J. does not need to loose ANY weight so he is careful to eat big portions and he doesn't really COMPLETELY cut anything out for good! :) But he likes eating healthy too so its fun to be on this little journey together.

Since Jan. 1st I've already lost 8 lbs. This is ONLY from eating better, I don't calorie count but I do try to eat 4-5 meals a day (smaller meals) and for the most part I have cut out white bread, fried foods, fast food, lots of desserts, cokes- you get the picture. BUT I want to still ENJOY life and I still eat at least one small dessert a day and don't deprive myself of something completely b/c what fun is there in that? But I feel A LOT better and love eating organic, healthy food- and I try to get all my food groups in every day!

I will try to start posting some of the healthy recipes we enjoy! We live out of The Biggest Loser Cookbook for families and My friend Megan also has some GREAT recipes, you should check out her blog. She inspires me!!!! But don't ever expect an awesome blog of a recipe like she has! :)

Anyways- I didn't have anything that special to say except that you can do it too and all you have to do is make small changes! You CAN STILL eat things you want! :)


  1. I'm so glad you posted this :) David and I really need to start eating better, but I literally cannot cook very well, so maybe I'll try that cookbook out! I would love for Mason to grow up eating really good and healthy foods so he doesn't end up in the drive-thru line daily like I do!

  2. Kelly, it's awesome that you already feel better. I completely agree with not depriving yourself of a little treat!

    So sweet of you to post a link to my blog! I'm really trying to get new followers, so every little shout out helps. :)
