Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Believe it or not but T.J. and I woke up at 5:30 am- ate some eggs and oatmeal and headed out to a spinning class at 6:30am! Do you not know what spinning is? If not check it out HERE luckily our room was bigger then this and the lights were off so everyone couldn't see me dying in the back of the room. All I can say is that it definitely was an experience! T.J. was next to me and we just kept looking at each other and mouthing "I'm dyyying"- "it buuuuurns" "oh myyy goooooosh" :) 45 minutes of pure torture is what it is! I still can't figure out what hurts more, my quads or my HINEY!!!!!! I need some of those padded biker shorts! I was bracing myself with a hand on the seat 1/2 the time b/c it hurt so much- how do people do that?! Hahaha T.J. wasn't having the best time with it either! I mean can that be healthy?? ANYWAYS besides almost puking and realizes my leggins were basically see through it was an experience we won't forget... not sure if we'll be back anytime soon though...

Who's glad that Friday is finally here?! MEEEEE! Tonight I'm having "girls night" with 2 girls I love and T.J. will be having "guys night" with the girls significant other. They are going to see Shutter Island tonight NO THANK YOU- scaaaary!!!! It will be good to have some "girl time"! T.J. and I are both so thankful for the friends we have met and gotten to know out here. Sunday night we are having the 2 couples over that we're actually hanging out with tonight! We're going to attempt to make THAI FOOD! :) I'm SO EXCITED.

So I have some exciting news :) T.J. was awarded a scholarship/funding for his project that he applied for recently. I think only like 45 people in the nation are awarded the scholarship so I was so happy for him! He will have plenty of money to expand his project and do side projects on it. No this money isn't for US it's for the project ;) but now he won't have to apply for any more funding b/c it was a pretty big chunk he received.

Well I never blogged about Valentine's Day! We really celebrated Valentine's Day when we stayed at a hotel in Buffalo before I head out to OKC and went out to a nice sushi place SO we played it low key on Sunday. We swapped cards (of course T.J.'s are always SO SWEET) and I made lunch, FAILED on the mini chocolate moltens... and then T.J. bought me Scrabble... wait I think I DID already blog about this!!!!!!!!! Okay well here are some pics of us playing Scrabble :) and yes he dominated me by winning with like 102 more pts. then me!!!!
And it wouldn't really be a good blog w/o a picture of a pet right? :) RIGHT! Here is Boy hanging out in the sink as I get ready... such a good boy! :)

I think that's about it!!! Miss you and love you all!

OH!!!! In 3 weeks Heather and Brock will be here!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're going to NYC to meet them- stay there for 2 nights, then come back and show them around Ithaca- then WHILE they are here TROY gets here! :) Oh my word- we're gonna have SO MUCH FUN!


  1. Kelly this CRACKS ME UP!! I LOVE spin classes! I did it at Aspen twice a week until I quit going there and now BFC has started doing some! I made Caleigh and Crosbie go Tuesday! Crosbie only lasted 15 minutes but Caleigh lasted the whole time!! :) It's killer the first couple of times but after a week or so of it you get used to it! PROMISE!!! :)

  2. what kind of thai are you making? i love making mango chicken curry and thai bubble tea! its yummy!

  3. Go Caleigh! Wow- I'm hoping I can make it through another class sometime! The lady said I can borrow a "gel padded seat" :) hehe and Sarah I might need your mango chicken curry and thai bubble tea! :)
