Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2 hours and counting...


I'm super excited to have me and T.J.'s Valentine's tonight! We are celebrating early. Since T.J. has to drive me 3 HOURS to the airport we thought we'd get a hotel in Buffalo and maybe try a new fun restaurant... like I said we're leaving in less then 2 hours!

Have I packed? No. Have I gotten ready? No. Do I still need to dry clothes in the dryer? Yes. Do I still need to make lasagna for T.J. to pop in the oven later and for the landlords too? Not gonna happen. Have I made to do notes for T.J.? No. Am I sick to my stomach? Yes..

WHY AM I BLOGGING THEN?! :) I don't know!

Okay so I better go... I bought 2 books at Target today, Dear John & L.A. Candy- they were both on sale and I've kind of been going back and forth if I wanted to read them so hopefully I won't read them toooo fast so I'll have reading material on the way back to NY.

This trip is going to go by WAY TO FAST! :( I'm dreading boarding the plane back to NY already.

Tam here I come! I can't wait to celebrate your wedding!!!!!!!! Get ready family! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!


  1. How exciting!!! It will be good to have you back-Oklahoma has missed you, sweet girl!! I will be praying that you have safe travels and have an awesome time while you are here. Let me know about the books-I have been wanting to read them both!!! Love you girl!

  2. Kandie both books were really good! :)
