Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not me Monday-

I didn't write "Febuary" on my dry erase calendar to only notice my mistake 4 weeks later :) Thank you T.J. for letting me look like an idiot!

I couldn't have worn see through leggings to a spinning class! No way! Especially since we walked in front of T.J.'s advisor and wife when we were there.... (BTW I DIDN'T KNOW)

I didn't fall down our staircase. Our staircase isn't wood which means you'd bounce off each step bruising yourself all the way down. I'm way to coordinated to fall down the stairs more then once already. The kids I watched didn't laugh at me either.

I'm not blogging when I should be making dinner for me and T.J. and our landlords family!

I didn't take pictures of all the food that was cooked at my house yesterday! I'm not that proud of it! (I will post pics up later!) ;)

I didn't just post the most lame "Not Me Monday" blog :)