Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Not me Monday! (On a wednesday!) :)

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So I LOVE reading all my blogging friends "Not Me Monday" blogs- BUT I'm not a mom, so I felt left out ;) BUT lo and behold my friend Crystal challenged me that I STILL can write one :) so hear I go!!!

It definitely wasn't me who asked a 5 year old girl to braid my hair b/c I miss my hair being played with, no way- WHO would do that? CREEPY!

It was NOT my husband that made us drive to Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-Mart & Staples until he found his perfect mechanical pencil. No way- who is that crazy? He definitely wasn't dead set on not doing homework until he had his 5 mm mechanical pencil that he's "had since highschool".

It wasn't me that set 2 interviews up at the same time- who would do that? Anyone trying to get a job would be more careful then that!!

Thank goodness it isn't our shower that wasn't pouring out sulfur water but now instead has been treated with chlourine so now we smell like the YMCA every time we get out of the shower- or drink pool water. That would be miserable!

Oh and most importantly THANK GOODNESS it isn't me that has a "farmville" on facebook! Who would waste so much time in their life to be a "virtual farmer" PATHETIC!!!!!


I want to hear about your "not me monday" moments!! Heather I'm sure you have a million!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I just laughed throughout this one. Sorry but that has been T.J. since grade school -- one type pencil, pen, notebook -- nothing but would do. Then there's your farmville, don't know much about it but that you won a ribbon -- way to go!
    Right now I would rather have the smell of YMCA in my house and on me vs. SKUNK!
