Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Birthday Blog!!

Well today is my birthday! :) I am officially 24 years young! I decided not to freak out too much b/c 25 is really the "oh my goodness I'm not really a kid anymore" moment!

Today has been great so far! T.J. and I ate muffins this morning and I took him to school. He likes it when I take him to school b/c he gets to sleep in about an hour longer. I've been running errands and da da da DAAAAAA picked up our "DVR" box from our cable company!!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED! We aren't paying any more money for it (for at least 12 months) ;) and we are SO PUMPED. Just call me Telly Kelly b/c I definitely got it all hooked up and running all by myself :) just one smashed finger that hurt REALLY bad but I'm okay!!

T.J. and I are "celebrating" tomorrow with dinner and a movie but tonight we'll get to open Mike and Debbie's present via Skype ;) I'm excited. I got to open my family's gifts when they were here so that was nice! Everyone has been so sweet with texts, calls and facebook messages! Thank you everyone!!!

SOOOOO big news....IT'S SNOWING HERE TODAY!!!!!!!!!! BIRTHDAY SNOW! :) Ithaca, NY is welcoming us with a pretty light snow on my birthday. DEFINITELY a first for me to see snow on my birthday! So far it isn't sticking though. They call this "snow showers" and we're supposed to have them all weekend. So as you can see- IT IS COLD HERE. I have my rice baby and a scarf on me almost all the time! :)

Okay so what else is new? Next week (99.9% sure) I will be starting to watch the Rich kids from 1-5 every day alone with some household duties! This is good but I also would LIKE to find a little part time job for the mornings- that would be PERFECT! T.J. and I are doing good! We obviously miss home and sometimes are sitting down eating dinner and one of us will be like, "now why did we do this again?!" :) but it's definitely an adventure and I think one day we'll look back on this and realize why God placed us here.

Prayer requests-

*That T.J. will be extra productive (not that he already isn't!) these next 2 weeks to be ready for a presentation and some meetings with important people. T.J. has a LOT of things going on and I wish SO BAD I was able to help him out- so I need your prayers covering him!

*That I could possibly find a part time job in the mornings

*My friend Sara's cousin and husband, they lost their house and ALL earthly possessions in the fire (but are okay thank the Lord)

*For me and T.J. to make a difference in lives here in NY!

Thank you for your prayers!! They mean so much to us! Let me know if there is something WE can be praying for YOU!!!

Here is a picture of Ace hiding in Darren's backpack ;)


  1. Happy Birthday girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24 years young! :) I'm right behind you in a few months. I hope it was great. You've hit another milestone-- your first birthday at a New York resident!! What'd ya get from the in-laws?? I need to know! :) I'll be praying & thinking of you guys!!

  2. Happy Birthday Kelly! Hope you had a fantastic day!

  3. Hope you had an AMAZING birthday, sweet girl! :) I will definitely be praying for you all as well as the requests you shared!!

  4. thanks guys!!! crystal I got an electric blanket, a portable heater :) 2 cute shirts and warm house shoes (from troy) I was super excited!!
