Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Oh the not me Monday.... I'll try to actually post this on a Monday next time ;)

Well... it definitely wasn't me that started a job and quit the same day!!!!!!! Who would do THAT?! I mean that is ridiculous. (and a whole different blog) :)

It wasn't me that bawled like a baby when her mom left to go back to Oklahoma!! Nope!

My husband definitely didn't have to stop me from cooking b/c I was sobbing about my job day/mom leaving day- there was no way I was literally sobbing/cracking up at myself!

It wasn't my husband that made SO MUCH FUN of me for saying "unkempt" to the extent I thought I was wrong when really "unkept" is not a word :) hehehe (sorry T.J.!!!!)

It wasn't my mom that screamed in public at James for putting a coffee cup in the wrong recycling can. HAHAHA (oh mom I loved it)

Alright that is it for now! :) I would love to hear your "not me monday" comments!!!!


  1. I did not just see my son standing on the dining room table and keep on walking because I was so sick of getting him down 100 times today. And my house is for sure not taken over by gnats. No way would I ever make a homeade trap for them in my kitchen and I have not gone in every 5 minutes to see if I caught anymore. Oh and I would never ever let my daughter go around the house without underwear or pants because it is just easier when she needs to use the potty every ten minutes. That would just be wrong!

  2. okay kim that made me die laughing btw!!!!!!! :) hahahahaha
