Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pretty Fall...

I know I already blogged once today but I just wanted to post some pictures I've taken recently!! The trees aren't at their "peak" yet. The said this fall has been different then usual b/c of the "wind storms" (HA!) taking off the leaves on the trees before they have changed. :(

Ace looking at T.J.

There are old cemetaries EVERYWHERE like this one.

A storm is coming! :)

An area T.J. is excited about duck hunting!! :)

Okay this video is of Ace and a mouse!! Ace is an avid hunter now! He actually LEAVES mice outside our sweet "neighbor" Pam's door as a "gift" to her!!! AHHHHH.....


  1. Gosh! You must feel like you live in a fall fairytale! It's so beautiful up there!

  2. Yay for picture blogs!!! :) I love all of those pictures-NY looks BEAUTIFUL! And, on an odd note, the cemetery pictures are so cool (that's what working at a funeral home does to you :) )!
    Enjoy beautiful fall in NY!!!!

  3. thanks kandie! lol you would say that!!! ;) and cara it is so pretty!!!
