Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm so torn!

Okay this is a dumb post but seriously I'm torn!!! T.J. has promised me I can get a pair of Uggs for this 6 month long winter here in NY! BUUUUT what color do I get?! :) I want the black ones or dark tan... what do you think? This is for sure the style I want. Also do I WAIT and get them until after Christmas and spend my birthday money on more warm clothes or do I go ahead and indulge now!? HELP!!! :)


  1. You know I have the tan ones and they are ok but after a while they do seem to get heavy to me..But really warm..and you have to have the right jeans to wear with I guess your choice as to color and style..

  2. I have the short caramel colored ones and I really love them. Of course, sometimes I wish I had gray too... But I definitely like the short style a lot. I use to have tall light tan ones and I also liked those, but they got dirty really easily and were harder to hide under jeans when I didn't tuck. Whatever you do, remember to buy the protection spray since they will be exposed to condensation pretty regularly. Spray them when you get them and let them dry overnight before you wear them. I think you have to spray again after they get wet (like when you get home that night). I love my UGGs. David got them for my last x-mas and they have been wonderful!

  3. I think the dark tan ones. I love the color and it goes with a lot more (in my opinion) I hardly ever wear black shoes though, because I have a i like a lot of golds and earthy colors in my closet and tan goes with everything. I'm sure what you pick will be right for you!! :) very cute uggs!!

  4. Dark tan. And I say you should get everything NOW! :)
