Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Me Monday!

It's that time again... NOT ME MONDAY! :)

It wasn't me that played Nintendo Wii for 10 minutes and had a sore arm the next day! Nope! I work out way too much to get sore from something as silly as virtual tennis!

It's not me that chews my gum for 15 seconds and then spits it out. That would be such of a waste right? I wouldn't waste a stick of gum just to have a better taste in my mouth!

But it definitely wouldn't be my husband that plops my "old" peice of gum in his mouth when I get "sick to my stomach" from the gum after 15 seconds. That would be way too unsanitary!!

I would never bring up the subject of my cat deheading mice during a nice dinner with a new couple we just met. That would be weeeeeeird!!!! Thank goodness I have better manners than that!

My husband definitely doesn't randomely shout "WHAT" or "YEAH" to me a couple times a week b/c he hears things. He definitely wasn't shooting guns without earplugs that gave him a hearing problem- he is way too safe than to forget earplugs!

That's it for Not Me Monday! :) What is your Not Me Monday moment???


  1. lol!! haha...I'm so sad that I wasn't at that dinner with the cat comments.

  2. Haha! I like that he yells things thinking he hears you!

  3. Hahahahahaah! Carl does that all. the. time. "What?" me: I didn't say anything. Me: Hey Carl, can you come here and help me? Hey. HEeyyy. HEYYYYYY!!! COME HERE!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME??!!?!? Carl: What? (clueless)

  4. I love it, Kelly! Wii totally makes me sore after a few minutes, too! Glad I'm not alone :)

  5. OMG! I totally get sick to my stomach after about 5 minutes of gum chewing! But I do it for the taste in my mouth! We are weird! But Darren does not eat my old gum...that is sicky!
    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! TAM

  6. kelly i laughed out loud thinking about tj doing that. i love how austin will be across the house and yell for me, then whatever he says, he says it in a completely normal voice like im in the same room. im like HELLOOOOO I CANT HEAR YOU, IM ACROSS THE HOUSE FROM YOU!!!!!!!
