Mother's hold their daughters hands for a little while, but their hearts forever.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October is flying by!

Are ya'll in disbelief that it's October 21st?! October is FLYING by for me! To think in a little over a month the in-laws will be here IS CRAZY! I'M SO EXCITED. I had a dream they got here a week early and I was BAWLING I was so happy.. but then I started freaking out b/c I hadn't swept the floors and cleaned everything up. :) I have the weirdest dreams. T.J. woke up to me saying "UUUUGGGGGHHHH..... AHHHH... UGGGHHHH" in the middle of the night... what?! I don't remember why I was doing that but I do remember making awful noises really loud.. that's embarrassing!!

HOLLLLAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kid you not JUUUUST NOOOOW I got a very exciting phone call!!!! :) This is LIVE people! :) Okay so here is my "job status"- I started watching Darren and Mackenzie (our landlords kids) this week. I pick them up at 2 and watch them till about 5... but it's been more like 6-8 right now with Tony hunting in the evenings! I help them with their homework, read with them and make dinner of course. It's going great so far and I'm really happy to be doing it. SO! Even though this is all great I am looking for another job in the mornings to make more money and this way T.J. and I really won't have to worry about finances and all that stuff... wellll JUST NOW I got a call from a SWEET mom named Marissa. I met with Marissa yesterday about possibly watching her 2 10 month old twins (boy and a girl) 2-3 morning a week. Well she just called and would love for me to hop on board! So I am! This really is SUCH a blessing THANK YOU LORD JESUS! T.J. will be so happy I'm sure! Oh course it's not going to be easy watching 2 10 month olds 8 hours a week but I'm down for it! Marissa is from Puerto Rico and we learned a lot about each other while we met yesterday- I think it's a good match! She actually called Christian Werner (the father of the family I nannied for in NC a couple summers ago) THANKS CHRISTIAN! :) I am bound and determined to see the Werner family soon- I MISS THEM SOOOOOOOO STINKING MUCH.

Okay okay... I obviously wasn't planning on talking about that but I just got the call and had to share!

Thank you all for your comments about my Uggs :) I think I decided to wait to get them until after Christmas- even though I REALLY WANT THEM NOW I think it's smarter to get warmer clothes and get the shoes later ;) I still haven't decided between dark tan and black.. but dark tan is pulling me pretty hard!

Okay and just one big prayer request today. T.J. has a huge presentation next Friday the 30th. He has to have it prepared and ready by next Wednesday to present it to his advisor... this is a huge task and he is putting in over 12 hour days right now. Please pray for strength, drive, motivation, and anything else you can think of for T.J. Big deal!

I hope you guys are having a great Wednesday!!!! Miss you all! I'm off to paint my fingernails for the first time in seriously probably 2 years!


  1. How exciting about the job!! Yay!!!! Sounds like you are having a blast up there! November will be here before you know it...can't wait til the holidays! :) Love you!!

  2. Oh, Kelly, CONGRATS on finding another part time job!! :) Two 10 month olds will be fun! I am not-so-secretly praying that I get pregnant with twins next time around, haha. I'll be thinking about you guys and the stress-load that comes with a demanding graduate program!

    Also-- good choice on the UGGs... I'd wait too because you would have had the cute UGGS but not all of the warm clothes to wear them with! I don't think you can go wrong with the brown or the black! I'd like another pair someday in the black or gray.

    Hope you're having a great week girl! Love you!

  3. KELLY!! I kid you not, this morning I was like time is seriously flying by... its october 21st already!! swear! ask brooke and everyone else at prayer this morning!
    ALSO praise the Lord for being a nanny :) that will be awesome!
    However, crystal... I was just saying a couple days ago... I dont know why anyone would pray for twins... you are insane!!
    love you both :)

  4. kelly im laughing at you in the middle of the night.
